DolomitArt | Land Art in the Dolomites UNESCO World
Heritage is a common project of the Board of Education Toblach/Dobbiaco, the
Library Hand Glauber and the Nature Park House Drei Zinnen/Tre Cime. Further
cooperation partners are the Alpine associations AVS (Alpenverein Südtirol) and
the CAI (Club Alpino Italiano), the organisations Volkshochschule Pustertal and
SEA (Scuola – Educazione – Ambiente).
The project runs under the patronage of the
Dolomites UNESCO foundation and is financially supported by the Department
of the Bolzano Province| German Culture. The association Bildungsweg Pustertal
and the Office of Nature Parks South Tyrol (Amt für Naturparke der Abteilung
Natur, Landschaft und Raumentwicklung) accompany the project through all its phases.
Board of Education Toblach/Dobbiaco
Graf Künigl Str. 1
I - 39034 Toblach
Library Hans Glauber
Gebrüder Baur Str. 5B
I - 39034 Toblach
Tel.: ++39 0474 972040
Nature Park House Drei Zinnen
Dolomitenstr. 1
I - 39034 Toblach
Tel.: ++39 0747 973017